Wild Golf
Wild Golf
12. Dr. Emily Splichal Author of "Barefoot Strong" and Leader in Human Movement
Welcome to this episode of The Wild Golf Podcast. Our guest today is podiatrist and human movement specialist Dr. Emily Splichal. She is the author of "Barefoot Strong" and is the founder of Naboso; the first company to make proprioceptive insoles and mats designed to stimulate the nervous system and enhance movement. She believes that our experience in this world is built around sensory stimulation and our ability to process, perceive, and integrate this information effectively. Your feet play a central role in this process. Golf is a sensory sport that requires balance and spatial awareness as does moving well into old age. But in golf and in life, we have cut off our connection to the ground with cushioned shoes and socks. We hope you enjoy this episode and hope that Emily will set you on your own path to becoming barefoot strong.
You can find out more about Emily and her ground breaking work see below:
- https://www.dremilysplichal.com
- https://barefootstrongblog.com/
- https://ebfaglobal.teachable.com/
- On Youtube: EBFAFitness
- On Twitter: @Doctor_Legs
- On Instagram: @dremilydpm
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